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Day 3: Visit generator

The 12 Kameleoon days of Christmas: part 3

December 3, 2020
Reading time: 
3 min
fred de todaro headshot
Fred De Todaro
Fred is Kameleoon's Chief Product Officer and leads the company's A/B testing, feature management, and personalization product strategy. Leading product teams across Europe and North America, he regularly shares his advice on product trends in experimentation and how best to deploy Kameleoon technology.

So far in our series on the value-added features within the Kameleoon platform we’ve covered how to better track changes to experiments and pages and how you can completely reallocate traffic away from particular variants in a test.

Today we’re going to explain how Kameleoon helps you simulate more complex triggers for experiments or personalizations, without having to resort to testing them manually.

1 Simulation mode: visit and visitor generator

Often experiments or personalizations trigger after a certain number of visits - simulating these manually requires going into incognito mode and revisiting a page the corresponding number of times.

Visit generator

Kameleoon’s simulation mode avoids this - you can generate a new visitor/visit under the Visits generation tab. This enables you to easily set the required number of visits for a variant or personalization to trigger. You can also test an experiment by generating a new visitor and assigning them to a variant following your traffic allocation rules.

All of these features allow you to simulate more complex experiments and personalizations more quickly and more confidently, helping to speed up the deployment of effective tests and consequently improving both productivity and conversions. To learn more about this feature read the developer documentation here.

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fred de todaro headshot
Fred De Todaro
Fred is Kameleoon's Chief Product Officer and leads the company's A/B testing, feature management, and personalization product strategy. Leading product teams across Europe and North America, he regularly shares his advice on product trends in experimentation and how best to deploy Kameleoon technology.