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Privacy Policy

1. Preamble and scope 

Kameleoon is committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy covers Kameleoon’s practices in terms of data collection, processing and use. It also details your options for consulting, using and modifying your personal data. If you disagree with these practices, you must abstain from using our website.

This privacy policy is updated regularly. Kameleoon will publish any change in the privacy policy on this page, and send you a more personal notification by e-mail when the changes are significant.
In any event, Kameleoon encourages you to check this privacy policy on a regular basis.
If you have questions about this privacy policy or the processing of the information you provide, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or a letter to Kameleoon, 12, rue de la Chaussée d’Antin 75009 Paris addressed to the Privacy Department.

2. Data Controller

The processing of the personal data of users registered on Kameleoon websites is subject to French law, in particular the amended Law n° 78-17 dated 6 January 1978 pertaining to information technology, databases and civil liberties, (known as the Information Technology and Civil Liberties Law). The “Data Controller” for the personal data of Kameleoon website users, as defined by said Law, is Jean-René Boidron.

We undertake, in the performance of our business activities, to respect the provisions of said Law, and to undertake fair, honest and transparent processing of your personal data. Namely, this includes the processing of data for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, without further processing the data in any way that is incompatible with those purposes, for a period that does not exceed the time required for the purposes for which they are collected and processed.
Finally, we inform you that the processing of personal data of Kameleoon website users has been duly declared to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (the French Data Protection Authority, known as CNIL) under the number GCA1368568E.

To contact ou Data Protection Officer : [email protected]

3.  Categories of personal data collected and processed

  • Personal data that you communicate to Kameleoon

We collect personal data from Internet users wishing to: download a resource, request a demo, receive our news, sign up for an event or apply for an advertised position.

Personal data
Personal data means all the information that you willingly communicate to Kameleoon and that identifies you personally, including details such as your name, your e-mail address, the name of your company, its address, your telephone number and any other information about you or your company.

Personal data also includes information pertaining to your browsing when this information enables a person to be directly or indirectly identified. Browsing information means information about your computer and your visits to this website, in particular, your IP address, your geographical location, the type of browser, the reference sources, the length of the visit and the pages viewed. Besides this information, Kameleoon does not collect any other sensitive information about you.

Log files
When you use the services or consult the content made available by Kameleoon, certain information concerning your computing hardware and software is also automatically collected. This information may include: your IP address, type of browser, domain names, Internet service provider, (ISP), files viewed on our website (for example, HTML pages, images, etc.), operating system, click path data, times of access and addresses of originating websites. This information is used by Kameleoon to ensure the running of the subscription service, maintain the quality of the subscription service and obtain general statistics on the use of the Kameleoon website. For these purposes, this data collected automatically is associated with personal information such as name, e-mail address and telephone number.

  • Cookies

The cookies used on our website enable us to identify the pages a user visits, the resources he or she downloads and more generally their on-site visiting behavior.

- What is the purpose of our cookies?

The cookies used on our website enable us to identify the pages a user visits, the resources he or she downloads and more generally their on-site visiting behavior.

1° Optimizing the user experience on our site
- by offering personalized content and highlighting resources on,
- by adapting Kameleoon's interface to the device you are using (language, resolution, OS, etc),
-  by memorizing information contained in forms you filled out on our site or via partner technologies* (sign-in to a real-life or virtual event, download of a resource, demo request, access to your Kameleoon account).
* Google Form, Hubspot.

2° Improving our website
Cookies help collect statistical data regarding site frequentation and content consumption and enable us to offer an experience adapted to your needs and interests.

3° Measuring our audiences
We are using Google Analytics and Piwik Pro to measure our Kameleoon's site's audiences.

4° Offering targeted ads via Adroll.
According to content consumed by the visitor on, cookies enable us to offer targeted ads regarding our content and services via the Adroll retargeting service.

- Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are deposited by other companies such as partners while you are surfing on our site or sharing personal data on our site using external services.
We are particularly vigilant as to the observance by partner websites of national data protection regulations and GDPR compliance. We request that they take all appropriate measures regarding security and confidentiality of personal data.
Please find below the purpose of the cookies we are aware of and the means at your disposal to change cookie setup.

Third-party apps integrated into our website
We are using third-party apps on our web site in order to:
• to share our site's content with others (social sharing buttons): The corresponding social networks may be able to identify you via this button, even if you don't use it while browsing our site or app. If you opened a session on one of the networks on the device you use to visit our website before arriving on our site, the network is able to track your navigation on our site. We have no control over the collection of data by the social network regarding your navigation on our site and do not have access to personal data in their possession. However, you can access the confidentiality policy of the social network to learn more about the subject and regulate the information you agree or refuse to share.
• to collect your personal data (name, first name, email): We have no control over the quality of data management by Hubspot, Google.

Web tags and other technologies

We use web tags to track your navigation on our site and in our emails (via our marketing automation solution). Web tags are code lines that recognize given types of information on your computer, such as cookies, time and date of a page visit, or description of the page where the tag is located.

We use this type of tags to improve the navigation experience on our site and to understand if a user reads and clicks our emails, with the aim of offering Kameleoon users content consistent with their expectations.

Mobile devices

Certain mobile devices send information regarding the model of the phone the OS version, the connectivity, the name and version of used apps or the geographical location at the time of the connection.
This data is automatically processed by Kameleoon's and some of Kameleoon's partners' servers (Hubspot, Google Analytics). This enables us to offer relevant experiences, in line with the technical characteristics of your device.

- Accept or refuse cookies

You can choose not to receive cookies from our website at any time. 

You can decide to block cookies we may deposit in your browser, either case by case or by refusing them systematically once and for all.


Note that if you refuse our cookies, we cannot guarantee an optimized browsing experience. 

For an efficient cookie management meeting your requirements please use your browser's setup options, taking into account the cookies' purpose (as mentioned above). 

You can also delete cookies already stored in your browser. For instance, to delete cookies deposited by Kameleoon:
•    Google Chrome
Open the browser's "Settings" tab. Click on "Advanced" followed by "Privacy and security", "Content settings" , then "cookies" and "See all cookies and site data". Search "Kameleoon", tick the boxes and delete.
•    Firefox
Open the browser's "Options" tab and select "Privacy and Security". In the "History" section, click on "remove individual cookies". Search files containing the name "Kameleoon", select and delete them.
•    Microsoft Edge
Click on the "Other action", then on "Settings" ». Click on " Choose data to delete". Check the box "Cookies data from registered websites", search files containing "Kameleoon", select and delete them.
•    Safari
Open, the browser's "Preferences" tab and open the tab "Confidentiality". Click on "Manage website data" , search files containing "Kameleoon" select and delete them. Click on "Done".

4. Conditions of use for personal data

  • Purpose of collecting and processing your personal data

Users’ personal data is collected and processed for set and specific purposes, such as: (i) supplying and managing our services; (ii) managing the processing of your recruitment applications and your product orders; (iii) communicating with users and improving the quality of our services, namely answering your questions and keeping you informed about our news; (iv) preventing online fraud; and (v) resolving any possible disputes or problems arising from the use of our services.

Any use of personal data for a purpose other than those set out above in our Privacy Rules will require your express prior consent.

  • Length of time your personal data is stored

We undertake to keep your personal data for only the length of time required to process it for above-stated purposes, and in any event for the time limits imposed by the law. Moreover, the personal data may be kept for several days or several years, depending on its type.

In any event, we undertake to delete your personal data from our databases at the end of these different lengths of time.
However, we may keep certain information for a period subsequent to the closing of your personal account so as to fulfil our legal, accounting and tax obligations and, in particular, so as to prevent potential illicit behavior following the deletion of your personal account (reuse of your former account by a third party). Under these circumstances, your data will be deactivated and will no longer be accessible online.

5. Sharing information with third parties

  • Absence of communication to third parties

We undertake not to disclose to third parties the personal information and data that you communicate to us. This personal information and data is used exclusively by our internal departments and will on no account be passed on or sold to third parties without your express prior consent.

  • Communication for judicial or legal reasons

Your personal information and data could be disclosed to a third party if Kameleoon is compelled to do so by the law, a regulatory provision, or a court order, or if this disclosure is made necessary by the requirements of an investigation, injunction or judicial procedure, in France or abroad.

Likewise, we may need to share your personal information and data with companies or third persons so as to:
Enforce the current privacy policy and general terms and conditions of sale of the Kameleoon website, or to determine possible breaches of these;
Guard against any violation of rights, goods or the safety of the company Kameleoon and its users, in accordance with the law.

6. Personal data safety

We implement all the safety measures necessary to protect the personal data in our possession against any unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, damage or destruction.

To this end, Kameleoon and its technical and hosting service providers have deployed the appropriate measures to ensure the integrity, privacy and safety of your personal data.

Finally, we inform you that your personal data is stored on servers located within the European Union.

7. Respecting website user rights

You have the right to access (for example, to check the data we are storing about you), rectify (update or correct your data), or delete (for example, closing your personal account) your personal data, as well as the right to object to the collection and processing of all or part of this data for commercial prospecting, including profiling where this is linked to such prospecting.
In addition, it should be stipulated that these rights give you the possibility of modifying your notification preferences at any time, by accepting or objecting to the use of your personal data in our marketing or promotional activities. You may exercise these rights at any time through a choice of two methods:
by letter to the address mentioned in Section 1 above;
or by e-mail to: [email protected]

If you exercise these rights, we will make every effort to address your requests as soon as possible.

Update, 30th of October 2019